My JA Experience
How I feel this experience has helped me get closer to my career goals – testimonial by Lara Pace As a student embarking on university life for the first...
How I feel this experience has helped me get closer to my career goals – testimonial by Lara Pace As a student embarking on university life for the first...
Testimonial by Marilise Vella As a teaching facilitator for both the Economics for Success and the It’s Our Planet programmes with JA Malta, I have found a truly inspiring...
We live on a planet with finite resources, yet the opportunities for transformative change are boundless. One of the most promising pathways is adopting a circular economy, a model...
Malta wins the Women and Girls in STEM Forum 2023 – Robot Competition In today’s digital age, the internet has evolved into a powerful tool for education, communication, and...
Raising awareness on Autism Spectrum Disorder, its signs and symptoms, as well as challenges encountered by people on the spectrum, this World Autism Day.
The digital revolution has left an indelible mark on countless industries, catalysing growth for some while leaving others in its wake. Finance, a sector historically bound by tradition, now...
JA Malta in partnership with HSBC Malta Foundation, organised a series of events for Global Money 2024, aimed at enhancing financial literacy among the community. Attendees, ranging from eager students...
Life is unpredictable. Practise positive financial habits to buffer yourself against life's many surprises.