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The JA Malta Podcast

We have just launched the JA Malta Podcast!

Season 1 focuses on the theme of Work Readiness, and is funded by MCVS's VOPS scheme, which falls under the Ministry for Inclusion and the Voluntary Sector.

Each episode in Season 1 features a topic related to Work Readiness, which directly impacts our target demographic - youths - and helps them to develop the mindset and the skillset they need to successfully enter the workforce. 

Tune in to gain Work Readiness tips, tricks, and valuable insights, from Malta's leading professionals, and kick-start your Work Readiness journey!

Season 2 will focus on Financial Literacy, laying out direct steps to help increase your financial well-being, and take control of your finances.

Keep up with the latest season of The JA Malta Podcast, to boost your financial health, now, and well into the future!

Find our latest episodes here:
JA Malta - YouTube


As a future-facing organisation, JA Malta is proud to be a partner of Skills4Retail, a new Europe-wide training initiative funded by the European Commission's Erasmus+ Programme.

The EU-funded programme is a skills strategy and vocational education and training (VET) programme, supporting growth and sustainability in retail and wholesale. The project is led by market and industry needs, bridging the growing digital skills gap in retail and equipping the EU workforce for a dynamic, sustainable future.

Launched in August 2023, Skills4Retail is led by a Consortium of 30 partners from 9 EU countries — uniting Europe’s leading educational institutions, industry leaders and innovative service providers. Together we're developing and delivering a robust training initiative that meets the evolving digital demands of the retail and wholesale sectors.

Skills4Retail responds to this urgent need by offering targeted training in sustainability and digital technologies, funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ and Partnerships For Innovation. We are committed to upskilling the workforce to navigate the new, tech-forward retail landscape, so businesses and people are equipped for resilience and growth in the post-Covid era.

Our role

Junior Achievement Malta equips young people with the employment and entrepreneurship skills they need right now, and in the future. The organisation prepares young people for the future of work and teaches them how to think entrepreneurially.

Centre of Excellence

The Centre of Excellence (CoE) is a partnership between the Ministry of Education, HSBC Malta Foundation and JA Malta. In collaboration, our aim is to aid teachers, and equip schools, to support their students with essential financial and entrepreneurial skills.

Current research clearly indicates that financial habits and behaviours are formed during childhood and adolescence, making early intervention critical for developing beneficial financial behaviours and attitudes. The CoE aims to do exactly that – provide specialised support, expertise, and resources to foster excellence, efficiency, and strategic growth in financial education.

To learn more about our Centre of Excellence, click here.

Euro-Mediterranean Impact Makers: Social Enterprise Bootcamp

The "Euro-Mediterranean Impact Makers: Social Enterprise Bootcamp" is an immersive workshop designed to promote social entrepreneurship as a tool for civic participation across the Euro-Mediterranean region. As part of this initiative, a comprehensive report on social entrepreneurship in partner countries (Italy, France, Greece, Spain and Malta) will be developed and made accessible to anyone interested in generating social impact to benefit local communities.

Representatives from JA Malta will receive training on strategies for engaging underrepresented groups and have the opportunity to attend the Social Enterprise Open Camp (SEOC), Italy’s premier event on social entrepreneurship.

Seven participants from Malta will take part in the Mediterranean Bootcamp, a 4-day in-person training in Sicily, where they will learn about ecological transition, digital literacy, and social enterprise for active citizenship. During the bootcamp, participants will collaborate in groups to develop social impact business proposals.

How to manage your money better

JA Malta is proud to be participating in the Future Skills High Impact Project, supported by HSBC Malta Foundation. Through this exciting new project, JA Malta is embarking on a mission to impart essential money management skills to the community, by reaching 3000 people, as part of the #3000FinCap campaign. Over the two year project (2021-2023), JA will continue to upskill businesses within the community as facilitators, who will then deliver JA programmes to different cohorts from different demographics around Malta and Gozo.

With access to the wealth of practical knowledge and skills being delivered through this project, beneficiaries will feel a sense of empowerment when it comes to taking control of their personal finances.

Find more information at:


The aim behind FinQuest is to inspire youth ages 12–16 to take ownership of their financial future. In FinQuest, users complete quests, play mini-games, and take quizzes that encourage positive attitudes and habits toward money.

Learn how to save, budget, and spend wisely through FinQuest.

Parents and teachers: FinQuest isn't only for kids! You can also create Quest Leader accounts to guide groups of youth through the learning experience, track progress, and measure learning gains.

Visit to play now!

financially capable generation

JA Building a Financially Capable Generation

JA Malta, JA Worldwide and HSBC share a common mission: to enable students to gain the skill sets, mindsets, and behaviours they need to own their financial futures.

That is why we are working together to introduce students to financial concepts and behaviours such as rules of savings, budgeting practices, and the basics of credit and debt.

The JA Building a Financially Capable Generation learning experience is designed to reinforce characteristics and behaviours of a financially capable person.

Learn more on:

European Young Entrepreneurs

JA Malta, Jämtlands Gymnasieförbund, from Sweden and Thora Storm videregående skole, from Norway partnered up as part of an Erasmus+ funded project to engage, connect and empower European Youth through transnational experiences. The first transnational mobility trip was hosted by our Swedish partner in their hometown of Östersund. The attending delegates had the opportunity to meet like-minded students from Sweden and Norway, who are also participating in entrepreneurship programmes. The theme and purpose of this project is to serve as an opportunity to interact with other students participating in entrepreneurship programmes, increase employability amongst participants, establish a sustainable view of entrepreneurship in a post-Covid world, and increase interest and knowledge about business, start-ups and the start-up ecosystem in other countries.

This project, which is a collaboration between Sweden (JGY), Malta (JA Malta) and Norway (Thora Storm), focuses on inner and outer entrepreneurship, both in a wider sense and within business.

As all participating regions face similar challenges, where young people move away and towards national and international hubs, it is of utmost importance that our regions try to reverse this trend. The project also wants to trigger a shift away from entrepreneurship as an  “add-on” to the curriculum towards a position where entrepreneurship becomes an integral part of the curriculum.

The second and final mobility trip took place in Malta, some six months after the first (above) exchange, and saw around 70 Norwegian and Swedish students engage with around 15 Maltese students, in a range of dynamic activities designed to stimulate co-operation and creativity, and encourage the development of effective presentation skills.

The project has now entered its dissemination phase and results related to this have been produced. Take part in these results and materials in the documents below. These models for entrepreneurial learning are free to use.


Young Innovators

We partnered up with MCAST and Cimate-KIC Hub to deliver the Young Innovators (YI) programme in Malta. YI took off in Malta for the first time in 2021. It begins with a train-the-trainers approach to introduce systems thinking and critical problem-solving in secondary education and colleges. The programme culminates in a Young Climathon where students present their solutions to local climate challenges. Teachers are introduced to a variety of tried and tested resources and materials to then apply in their classrooms, bringing climate education into varying subjects from English to mathematics. 

Find more information: Young Innovators – EIT Climate-KIC Malta Hub