Circling Back to a More Sustainable Future

We live on a planet with finite resources, yet the opportunities for transformative change are boundless. One of the most promising pathways is adopting a circular economy, a model that […]

World Autism Day 2024

World Autism Day 2024 - JA Malta

Raising awareness on Autism Spectrum Disorder, its signs and symptoms, as well as challenges encountered by people on the spectrum, this World Autism Day.

Gender Bias – Let’s call it as it is

Every year, as March approaches, discussions about women’s rights and the challenges they face increase. The focus turns towards Women’s Day, prompting corporations, organizations, businesses, schools, and nearly every entity to make efforts to celebrate women. While the intentions behind these efforts are generally pure, it is crucial for us to collectively realize that women today don’t require 24 hours, a week, or a month for celebration. Instead, they need our collaborative efforts to ensure they receive equal opportunities, recognition, and overall rights compared to their male counterparts.

The Innovations We Are Missing

At some point in our lives, we have all entertained thoughts of crafting something innovative, creative, and entirely new. However, the critical question remains: How many of us actually take […]