Our Local Impact

International Awards
Mini-Companies Setup
550 +
Lives Changed
15 K+

Our Local Yearly Reach

Educational Institutes
15 +
Events Held
50 +
60 +
Lives Impacted
2 K+
Social Media Reach
147 K+

Global reach

In over 100 countries, our passionate staff has unparalleled access to schools, creating an ecosystem of hands-on programs driven by volunteers, teachers, policymakers, and the private sector. In addition to maintaining deep relationships with our funders, we’re forging partnerships with high-tech start-ups, universities, and like-minded NGOs, giving even more students the opportunity to benefit from JA’s learning experiences.

Our 150 million living alumni are a testament to JA’s lifelong impact, serving as a global force for good. Many start businesses that serve a social need, solve a local problem, or inspire others to reach their potential. Others donate time and money to their communities. Still others give back to the next generation of young people by volunteering and mentoring.