The ability to properly manage money is essential for independence, stability and peace of mind. We believe that proper money management can be learnt at any stage in life, regardless of background or education level.
That is why we hold free Money Management sessions at our premises in Sliema, because we believe that everyone deserves a chance to reach their full potential. JA Malta is also participating in #3000FinCap, HSBC’s campaign to reach 3000 people in Malta with vital money management training.
Click here to book your slot.

How can you improve your relationship with money?

Who is this for?
Join a Session
Any adult can benefit from this life-skills training. Just show interest, invite others to do so too, and we will inform you about the next upcoming session.
One-time Session
We can come to your organisation and deliver training sessions to your teams. You just provide us the space and invite the attendees; We will do the rest.
LArge Organisations
Train the Trainer
We can train trainers within your team and give you the required resources in order for your financial capability champions to train the others.

Join #3000FinCap to improve your money management skills and be more financially capable

Supported by:
This page is part of the #3000FinCap campaign, (, where JA Malta is training over 3000 adults in Money Management for free, thanks to a Future Skills programme by HSBC, through employers and other organisations. Contact JA Malta if you need more information.