In line with the ongoing recruitment process for enrolment in the JA Malta Company Programme aimed at students between the ages of 15 and 17, and due to conversations I have recently had with different individuals with respect to education, I have been pondering once again, and challenging my thoughts, about how I feel about the importance of entrepreneurial education.
In short, I believe that entrepreneurial education is critically important.
Let me explain the reasoning as to why I’m in favour of the importance of inspiring an entrepreneurial mindset for the benefit of society and of the individual.
There are many definitions of entrepreneurship, however, I would like to emphasise that I always adopt the wider and broader definition. Entrepreneurship is not simply the act of opening a business or running a venture, but it’s the enterprising mindset to develop ideas and innovations and turn them into solutions through a critical and creative approach. Our own ‘National Curriculum Framework for All’ states that “entrepreneurship allows children and young people to develop skills for life, enables them to handle uncertainty, respond to change and to be creative”.
Through this definition, it is clear to me that entrepreneurship education should be within the school structure; it is important for everyone, irrespective of selected subjects, lines of work or future career choices. Who does not need to handle uncertainty in today’s world? Who does not need to respond to change?
Entrepreneurs change the world
Many of the innovations that shape modern life today were previously developed by entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurship is highly valued by governments and contributes significantly to enterprising, technological, and social innovation and economic growth.
Entrepreneurs start new businesses, and new businesses create jobs.
Social entrepreneurs provide solutions to some of the world’s social, cultural, and environmental problems and challenges, yet are no different to other entrepreneurs in that they must balance social return with financial return.
Entrepreneurial people, even in employment, find solutions, challenge the status quo, and induce change to improve things.
Europe recognises the importance of entrepreneurship as a driver of economic growth and job creation. The European Commission acknowledges that the level of entrepreneurial activity varies across EU member states, but it is known that attracting entrepreneurs to Europe is a common challenge for all states since Europe still lags when it comes to private investment and venture-building.

Entrepreneurs and the future
We live in a rapidly changing and evolving world, often for the better. Most people say that the current standard of living is the best it has ever been throughout history. Yet there are many aspects of life and society that deserve our ongoing attention, best summarised in the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
These SDGs act as a blueprint for us to achieve a better and more sustainable future, with specific ambitions aimed at ending poverty and hunger; improving health and wellbeing; reducing water waste; ensuring responsible production and consumption; improving access to clean, affordable, and efficient energy; tackling climate action, and helping to protect the environment.
To achieve this, however, in addition to wider government commitments, we need entrepreneurs, as risk takers and innovators, to deliver the means via which change, and improvement, can be achieved for our generation and future generations.
One Practical Entrepreneurial Experience in Education
The Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan is based on three pillars: Promoting entrepreneurial education, creating an environment where entrepreneurs can thrive, and providing role models and targeting specific groups (women, seniors, migrants, young people, and the unemployed).
For this reason, it is a high priority at EU level for all Member States to include at least one practical entrepreneurial experience during compulsory education as called for in the ‘Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan’. This plan specifically mentions the creation of a mini-company as part of the JA Company Programme as a key example of such practical experience.
Less Talk, More Action
To conclude with definitive actions, I will continue my efforts to (and I am sure the whole team at JA Malta pledges to this as well):
- Continue to push for a National Entrepreneurial Education policy.
- Continue to push for and to provide the means for the implementation of at least one practical entrepreneurial experience during compulsory education.
- Continue to inspire students, even at a young age, to experience concepts of entrepreneurship.
To the readers of this piece, I urge everyone, especially Alumni who have experienced this, to speak about the opportunity for 15-17-year-olds to take up the JA Company Programme challenge; you will do this for the benefit of your children, their friends, and society in general. We need more critical thinkers, more creativity, and more innovation.
Share this article if you agree. Let’s inspire and prepare young people to succeed in a global economy.
Let’s inspire and prepare young people to succeed in a global economy.
P.S: Students aged between 15 and 17 can enrol for this year’s programme till the 20th of October 2022. Do not miss this opportunity.